I am so often reminded of the fact that I'm pretty sure the kids are here to teach me more than I teach them. This morning getting ready for church we were doing awesome on time. With Tyler in the bishopbric he has to leave so early and is gone all day. So, I have to get the kids ready by myself and get myself ready and I always underestimate how much time I have left. I'm usually late. But this morning we we're ready to go on timea and had a few moments to spare even. Alaria got my old camera for Christmas and she wanted to take some pictures with her camera before we left. It's so funny to watch her. She LOVES that camera and she loves to try and video tape us in secret to catch us doing something. Like she loves to tape Nick when he argues about what we are eating for dinner, or she'll try to tape her Dad doing something like singing in the shower. And it's so funny because I used to taperecord everything at my house when I was her age. I even sat the tape recorder in the tub once to tape record my brother going potty. Of course it was just sounds back then, but I thought I was hilarious and I would blackmail him that I would play the tape for his girlfriends. He would get so mad. She is becoming an "Artist" with her camera I'll post some of her pics she took of us and then Nick took a turn. But I tell them we need to get going. And I go to get my keys, and of course I cannot find them anywhere. I was getting so mad because it takes us 30 minutes to get to church and I really wanted to get there on time. Anyways we tore through the house. And Alaria said, "This is how Satan gets the Spirit to leave on a Sunday, we just have to pray that we'll find the keys and we will,!" So matter of fact. So we knelt and said a simple prayer about finding the keys and staying calm. So after I had looked through coats, pants, everywhere after her prayer I just felt like I should look in their bag they take to church, and they were there. They had been knocked into the bag from the computer desk where I had sat them. It was a tiny thing, but it taught me a huge lesson that I don't let the Lord help me with the little things that i so need help with. Then at church my sweet daughter got up and bore her testimony so poised like a 25 year old about how her uncle broke his Femur, she said that, and how her Grandpa's were both there that night to give him a blessing at the hospital and they saved his life. Then she went on to say that we prayed for the keys to get here this morning and Satan doesn't want us to be happy he wants us to be sad, so we should always pray. My sweet Nicky also bore his testimony for the first time, Alaria is an old pro, and he was so cute, his eyes were as big as saucers and I could tell everything he wanted to say flitted from his mind, but he was so brave and did so well. I told him it takes practice and he reminded me what a blessing it is to have a testimony. Love my kids so much and I do think they are the real teachers here! Here are some of the kids pics they took.
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