Here are the kids playing around in Idaho Falls this summer. We took a trip right after we made the big move to Albuquerque, NM. Yes we now live in the desert, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. We actually really like it here. We were all really sad to leave family and friends behind in Colorado, but Tyler's job got transfered here. They are moving his whole campus from Colorado Springs to here. We thought it would take a long time to get to know people, but Tyler got put in as the 2nd councilour in the Bishopbric, so we are getting to know people pretty fast. Plus the neighborhood we moved to is about 2 minutes from Tyler's new building. It is so huge. It will house about 3500 people when it is finished. We had to come early because Tyler is training new employees and helping witht the layout of the inside of the building. He's pretty much never here with work and church callings. Poor little guy. And what I was saying earlier is that it seems like every Hp worker moving here from the Colorado campus is in our neighborhood. All of our neighbors work there. It's pretty funny. Well anyways this is my first blog and I'm trying to figure it out, so forgive the disaster!